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Mental Health in NZ: Growing up.

Growing up I was hugely impacted by the mental health of my family, friends and even my own. I saw first-hand how a lack on mental health support and connection with yourself can put life on hard mode.

After experiencing a huge family breakdown resulting in me having to spend 3 weeks of lock down alone, I realised just how much control you have over your own mental health when you have the right tools.

I had learnt about the Māori Wellness Model; Te Whare Tapa Wha which talks about balancing 4 areas of your life to achieve stable mental wellbeing. These areas were your physical health, connection with others, connection with self and connection to spirit or the collective oneness of our being. I used this model to balance and get through the most challenging 6 months of my life and without it I don’t know what would have happened.

This then lead me realise there needed to be a product that educated others on how to use the model within their own life. I believe a large part of mental health is routine and understand your mind and your body. This is why I’ve created a 4-day Camp that encompasses fun and education around strengthening your mental health in a group setting.


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