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Mental Health PT.

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The title mentor didn’t sit right with me. As much as I understand that is technically what I’m doing I believe language has the power to change the way we think about things. 


Mentoring can have this feeling of teacher and student where I want the experience to feel like I’m working alongside my clients - empowering them on their mental health journey.


This is where I’ve come up with a REBRAND to better fit what I actually do…

Explore Mindfulness With Me

Mental Health Personal

Mental health training focuses on helping my clients to manage these 6 areas of their life


  • Sleep

  • Exercise

  • Mindfulness

  • Mental health 

  • Nutrition

  • Healthy Relationships

These 6 areas have been chosen using the recommendations highlighted in Nadine Burke Harris’s book; The Deepest Well to regulate your stress response systems.


I run my Mental Health PT programs in 6 week blocks where we try and create a better process to manage mental health in my clients life. 


We begin with a consultation where we go over the 6 areas highlighted and decide what order we need to focus on. From there we go into 6 weeks of creating routines and rituals to best support these areas. 


Feeling so blessed to have found a clear framework to use with my clients and the rebrand is sitting so well with me and what I want to achieve.


Yours truely 

Cass the Mental Health PT  xx

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